At the Heart of our School, the Gift of a Child.

Welcome to St Finbarr’s Catholic Primary School.
The school was opened in 1925 by the Sisters of Charity and the rich traditions and charism of the sisters continue to underpin school life.
One of the many blessings of the school is a strong partnership between home and school, which has at its’ core the children. The children are blessed to be part of a community where not only does the energy and enthusiasm, sense of purpose and commitment of the parents and staff ensure that the children reap the benefits of their combined efforts, but through their active involvement in the life of the school, the children come to appreciate and understand by example, the value of community.
St Finbarr’s provides a broad and inclusive curriculum which not only promotes the basics but also offers opportunities for the diverse range of interests and abilities of our student body. Most importantly students experience a curriculum that engages them in the process of life-long learning. This year we are furthering the opportunities for students’ learning with the school being successful recipients of a grant entitled, Sustainable Ways of Embedding ICLT’s Into Contemporary Learning.
This school year promises to be rich and rewarding for all who are involved with this community.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website which offers you an insight into the heart and ethos of our school. I look forward to meeting with you, answering your questions and showing you through this school rich and alive with the wonder and awe learning.
Catherine Connors
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Finbarr's School (2023)