Today, St Finbarr’s NAPLAN results were published and parents of students in Years 3 & 5 can now access their child’s results via the Parent Portal. As a school, our results are overwhelmingly positive and there is a strong upwards trend in our data across both Years 3 and 5 in literacy and numeracy when compared to previous years. I would like to thank our teachers for their work with their students and the students themselves for performing so well.
Today we have spent some time analysing our school data and some trends in Year 3 results include:
- Significantly above the Australian average in all test areas with substantial improvement in spelling, reading, grammar & punctuation and numeracy
- 100% of students above the national minimum standard in writing, reading, grammar & punctuation and numeracy
- 96% of students above the national minimum standard in spelling
- Improved performance (when compared to 2021 results) in spelling, reading, grammar & punctuation and numeracy with significant improvement in reading and numeracy
- Similar performance (when compared to 2021 results) in writing
- 44% of students achieved in the top 2 bands across all test area
Year 5 trend data indicates:
- Significantly above the Australian average in all test areas with substantial improvement in all areas
- 100% of students are above the national minimum standard across all NAPLAN test areas
- Improved performance (when compared to 2021 results) in all NAPLAN test areas with significant improvement in grammar & punctuation
- 40% of students achieved in the top 2 bands across all tests.
As I’m sure you would agree, these results are very pleasing and reflect the school’s ongoing commitment to quality teaching and learning from Prep to Year 6 as well as our students’ dedication to their learning.
Rachel Blaney, Primary Learning Leader

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Finbarr's School (2022)