At St Finbarr's we are blessed to have a number of specialist teachers to provide our students with the best educational experiences possible.
We have an Arts teacher whose role is to lead the students through an integrated appreciation of The Arts particularly the aspects of Dance, Visual Arts and Speech & Drama.
Cultural Literacy and Languages is one of the key learning areas in the curriculum. A specialist teacher is employed to teach Japanese to students across the school.
Throughout the term the students have the opportunity to work in the garden with the Gardening Teacher. This teacher engages students in activities in the garden. The children create a productive, organic garden. They grow and harvest the food. The will also have the opportunity to prepare the food and sit together to taste and share what they have made.
The school has a HPE Teacher working two days a week who incorporates aspects of various programs and sporting disciplines to support the curriculum. The HPE program is derived from the Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum. All classes receive one HPE lesson a week.
The school has the services of a Support Teacher Inclusive Education. Her role is to assist staff, plan programs and
strategies to help children with special learning needs. She arranges
any additional services required by students eg. Speech Therapist,
Guidance Officer. Parents will be informed if the teacher asks the Support Teachers Inclusive Education to work with or assess their child.
Our School Guidance Officer is
available on-site one day per week and on an 'as needed' basis. She is
able to work with children with social/emotional needs and also those
requiring educational assessments.
Integrating Technology is a focus for St Finbarr's Primary School and we have an eLearning Coordinator two days a week to support teachers to integrate technology throughout the curriculum.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Finbarr's Catholic Primary School (2023)