School Fees

​​​​​​​2025 Fee and Levies Schedule.pdfSchool fees page.jpg

The 2025 School Fee Schedule has been developed in consultation with Father Gerry Kalinowski and the principals of the Jubilee Catholic Primary Schools. It takes into account the priorities highlighted within our School Renewal Plan and the fee and levy recommendations from the Catholic Education Council for the 2023​​ school year. Please note the three Jubilee schools have managed to keep their schedule of fees below the recommended CPI increase.

Commonwealth and State Governments provide Catholic schools with approximately 84% of the average annual cost of educating a student. This is done by determining the average amount spent by government to fund a state school student then applying the percentage. Fundraising, donations and other income raised by state school communities are not taken into account when determining this amount.

Fees and levies charged by Catholic schools go towards making up the difference, and more importantly, to help ensure we can provide a high quality Catholic education for your child.

Payment of Accounts

Accounts are issued at the beginning of each Term. Payment is due by the date shown on the account, that is within 14 days of issue. Payment can be made by cheque or cash. For ease of payment of accounts a Direct Debit facility is available on a 10 month or 20 fortnight basis. Application forms are available at the Office or via the link here - 

Families who are unable to meet their Fees and Levy payment by the due date are asked to advise the Financial Secretary.

Families who are experiencing severe financial hardship are asked to contact the Principal for a confidential discussion and to make appropriate arrangements.

How your fees work for St Finbarr's

Fees and Levies cover:
Tuition Fee is used to fund items such as rates, electricity, telephone, insurance, contract cleaning, security, salaries etc.

Archdiocesan Levy is applied by the Brisbane Catholic Education Office for the many services provided to schools that come under their jurisdiction. $8.00 of this amount is contributed to the Catholic Futures Fund for land purchase for future school development with the Archdiocese.

Building Fund L​evy is used for the loan repayments for monies borrowed to date for the 3 Stages of Refurbishments to the school.

Resources & Maintenance Levy provides a budget that is used for the maintenance of Buildings & Grounds. Contracted maintenance of the Computer system; Information Technology Technician to maintain, purchase and update hardware and software for our wireless computers and classrooms, maintain school web-site, applying and paying for multiple licence's for software programs used, maintenance of the computers/printers/scanners/digital cameras; Purchase of general resources and consumables for whole school and classroom use.

Services Levy provides a budget to engage the many services required as part of school life. For example, Swimming Tuition and Travel; Chess Tuition, rock Musical, Gymnastic lessons, Sports Carnival Travel; Specialist visits; Arts Council; End of Year School Picnic, etc.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Finbarr's School (2023)​​​